Welcome to our family-run hotel. A few steps from the shore of Lake Garda and the historic center of Bardolino.
The ideal starting point to experience the magic of our rich territory. Relax in the sun at our private pool
or explore the Lake in all its beauty.
Book your holidays now!
On the terrace of our hotel, a private swimming pool
and solarium overlooking the Lake with bar service.
Comfortable rooms, tastefully furnished and equipped with every comfort for a stay of relaxation and tranquility.
The contained structure and the family atmosphere favors the care of our guests for an even more pleasant holiday.
On Lake Garda, fun has no limits. Whether you are a lover of nature, culture or sports enthusiasts,
the Lake has a surprise for each of you. Do not miss the opportunity to reach the summit of Mount Baldo
and admire breathtaking views, explore trails and paths on foot or by bike, witness the magic of the Opera in Verona
or "simply" stop to watch the sun coming down in your days.
There are numerous theme parks designed for young and old that you can reach in a few minutes from our structure!
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