Our rooms

High standards of quality and comfort guarantee a relaxing stay on Lake Garda. All our rooms have a balcony, television with sat-TV, telephone, safe, WIFI, air conditioning and heating. The bathrooms have a shower and a hairdryer. Available double rooms with twin or double beds depending on your needs.


To confirm the reservation, a credit card (VISA / MasterCard) is required as a guarantee.

Our cancellation conditions:
    Up to 15 days before arrival: free cancellation.
    14 - 8 days before arrival: 50% of the stay.
    7 - 1 days before arrival: 100% of the stay.
    The day of arrival, early departure or no-show: 100% of the stay.

Cancellations / changes must be made by the customer by e-mail.

Hotel offers are not binding.
The reservation ends with the acceptance of the hotel.
The hotel reserves the right to confirm the booking in writing.
The customer will have no right to the availability of particular rooms.
Prices may be subject to change.
No pets allowed.

   Check-in from 15.00.
   Check-out by 11.00.

(min - max)

SUPERIOR Room 110 - 190 €
DOUBLE Room 90 - 170 €
SINGLE Room 85 - 100 €
•    Breakfast included.
•    Single room supplement 20 €.

on the phone

You can request
the availability of rooms
at the following number:

+39 045 7210003




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